Shinku 1-4
Writer: Ron Marz
Penciler: Lee Moder
Inker: Matthew Waite
Colorist: Michael Atiyeh
Image Comics
Like a crotch rocket cutting through traffic, Shinku started off fast and hasn't let up off the gas yet. Shinku is the last of a clan of samurai warriors, at war with an ancient clan of vampires who have been a controlling power in Japan since feudal times. The blend of horror and action is providing a pulse pounding adventure each and every issue so far.
One of the hardest things in comics to portray is movement. So watching this art team create this fast moving story has been impressive. From a motorcycle chase, to an elevator battle that has blood dripping off the page. The story never slows, with not a wasted panel or word of dialogue, just constant movement towards a shared goal of violent retribution.
Yet it doesn't lack depth, issue 4 is a slow down issue of sorts. If you count vampires crashing through windows, shoot outs and bone crushing hits as slowing down. As Shinku's helpers have to come to her rescue. Seeing their views of her, one the long time companion whose loyalty and dedication is strong. To the newest who is doing it more out of desperation than loyalty and wonders at his and her motivations is involving.
In some ways Shinku has become as dangerous as the monsters she hunts. Her obsession to see their destruction has caused her to use people to further her goals, even when it has put them in danger they may not otherwise be in. I wonder if we might see her come to realize this as he series move forward.
If you're looking for something other than superheroes, and are tired of monsters acting like/mooning over love sick school girls. Give Shinku a try. The issues are available from your retailer or can be bought online at Comixology.
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